Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ohio Voter ID


I chose the The Daily Show with Jon Stewart that aired on October 31, 2006. The topic of this segment was the Voter ID Law in Ohio. The satire is used in a making fun way towards Ohio, basically saying that they do have a law but it is not completely enforced. She also says that the governor said he is not signaling out any group of people but than she names the acceptable forms of ID and you need money for all of them.This segment shows a liberal view, because liberals are against the law and believe it is signaling out blacks and the poor. It relates because PA is not thinking about passing the Voter ID bill.


In this cartoon, you see a line of voters and the election official saying, "Next" after the first person just voted. The cartoon shows a voting machine that is actually unplugged. the artist is pointing out the fact that the voting systems can be skewed and maybe this particular machine is in a city dominated by one party, and the other party unplugged it. The cartoon just shows people voting without noticing the machine is unplugged. It relates to our class discussions and current political events because it shows that the voting systems are actually skewed. They influence the topics because it just shows a big man covering the unplugged machine so that nobody sees that it is unplugged.

Elecronic Voting

This political cartoon about voting is aimed to inform the United States voters and mock the United States voting system. In this cartoon the man coming to vote is asking the typical question "will my vote count". Behind the curtain there is a slot machine instead of a voting machine. The idea is that the odds of your vote counting are just as good as your odds of winning on a slot machine. The message is that no one can really be sure that each individual vote counts or if the elections are fixed. It relates to our class discussion and political events today because people are hesitant about voting because they think their vote will not count. Satire and Irony influence the cartoon because the artist decided to use a slot machine which looks like a voting machine.