Sunday, April 15, 2012


This cartoon is based around the Florida Primary. This picture shows Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich with swords, arrows and axes in their bodies. They also have signs promoting themselves in thier hand while they are lying dead. In the cartoon they have a thought bubble that says "Its a bare-knuckle brawl in the Sunshine state." I believe the author of this cartoon was trying to stress the back and fourth shots that they threw at each other for this primary. This cartoon shows great blood shed and how far they were both willing to go to win Florida as its own. I believe that the positioning of their body as well as the number of arrows and swords in the body has some sort of significance. First off i believe that the positioning of the body is significant and clear. Gingrich is on the bottom which means that he was dead first also meaning that he was pushed out of the race first and Mitt Romney beat him thats why Romney is on top of his body. Also the number of swords in Mitt Romney's body is out number the amount in Gingrich's. I believe that means that Gingrich said a lot of things to hurt Romney's campaign and even hurt his campaign. Gingrich has less punctures because Romney was not trying to hurt Gingrich's but when Gingrich started hurting Romney's campaign, he said bad things back. I chose this cartoon because we are talking about primary's and thats whats going on in the Republican campaign now.

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